Second Annual Examination Of The Sunday School For Religious Instruction Of Israelites In Philadelphia
- Title
- Second Annual Examination Of The Sunday School For Religious Instruction Of Israelites In Philadelphia
- Date Created
- 29 March 1840
- Location(s)
- Philadelphia
- Format
- Pamphlet. 28 page(s) on 30 sheet(s).
- Type
- Pamphlet
- Has Format
- Link to Colenda
- Physical Characteristics
- Unlined Paper
- Typescript
- content
PHIL. PA, 1840
Philadelphia, Sunday, March 29th, 1840.
Dear Sir,—In behalf of the Superintendent and Teachers of the “Phila-delphia Hebrew Sunday School for Religious Instruction of Israelites,” we respectfully request that you will furnish for publication a copy of your dis-course delivered this day at the Synagogue.
Very respectfully, your obedient servants,
To the Rev. M. N. Nathan.
Philadelphia, March 30th. 1840.
Gentlemen,—In reply to your polite communication, permit me to state that I have hitherto objected to the publication of my discourses; the inte-rest which the Sunday School has excited overcomes my scruples, and my esteemed friend, the Rev. Isaac Leeser, will hand you the manuscript. I hope the public will be lenient, as the discourse was written in great haste.
I have the honour to be, gentlemen,
Your obedient servant,
To Lewis Allen and A. Hart, Esqrs.
Sunday schools are nothing new among our Christian neighbours, as many sects of them have had such establishments for shorter or longer periods. Among our people, however, the case is very dif-ferent, as far as the knowledge of the writer extends; and only at Richmond, Va., had the attempt been made, with but partial success, by the late Isaac B. Seixas, (then minister of that congregation, and since then of the synagogue Sheerith Israel, at New York,) and the writer of this memorial, before several of our ladies, feeling that some-thing might and should be done to improve the religious character of the Jewish children, and to give them at least an elementary and comprehensive idea of their duties, resolved on founding a school for the promulgation of religious knowledge on the first day of the week, it being a general day of leisure, and as it could be devoted to this pious object without interfering with the exercises of other schools, and the avocations of the teachers. This plan, which pro-mised to be so beneficial, soon found many willing to co-operate; and the zeal of the teachers, was seconded by the eagerness of the children to avail themselves of the opportunity to acquire a knowledge of their religion. The school was at first commenced under the patronage of the Female Hebrew Benevolent Society of Philadelphia; but un-less he errs, the writer thinks that it never had to depend for support upon that excellent charity, as from the outset donations were freely offered for the furtherance of this blessed undertaking.
The first assemblage of the scholars took place at the house No. 97, Walnut street; but when the ladies had to give up the room they there occupied, the Franklin Institute, with a commendable spirit of liberality, permitted them to take possession of a spacious apartment
in the old Masonic Hall, in Chestnut street, where the weekly meet-ings have taken place now for more than eighteen months.
As may easily be imagined, some prejudice was at first manifested by various persons, who fancied that they discovered an objectionable imitation of gentile practices in this undertaking, forgetting that it is the first duty of Israel to instil knowledge of divine things in the hearts of the young, and this institution was eminently calculated to bestow this necessary blessing alike upon rich and poor without fee or price. It is but seldom that so noble an aim has been sought after, begun solely for the glorification of our Maker and the well-being of his people; it is therefore gratifying to record, that this unfounded preju-dice has nearly died away, and one cannot give a better evidence of the fact, than that now fully one hundred children are enrolled, and what is more, that nearly all attend whenever the weather is at all favourable, and this despite the great distance which many of the scholars and teachers have to walk, living as they do in almost every part of the city and suburbs.
Another great difficulty, and one far more formidable, was the scarcity of suitable books to be placed in the hands of scholars, since those published by the American Sunday School Union, although admirably written, and having a powerful tendency to impress the minds of children, contain so much matter of a sectarian nature as must almost banish them from a Jewish school, where it is of import-ance to inculcate those principles which are the foundation of our reli-gion. The only other books within our reach were the Elements of the Jewish Faith, by Rabbi S. Cohen, and the Instruction in the Mosaic Religion, arranged from the German of Johlson, by the writer of this. In this emergency the Child's Bible Questions, by the A. S. S. Union, was of necessity but partially adopted, there not being a similar book and one more free from sectarian matter at hand; but it is pleasing to remark, that an adaptation of this little work after our own manner is now in the hands of a young lady of this place, and will, it is hoped, see the light soon, and this with the consent of the A. S. S. Union, who have waived their copyright in our favour; this, too, is a highly gratifying fact, and it speaks loudly and emphatically of the enlightened views of the board of publication of that powerful institution, and especially of the kindness of John Hall, Esq., through whom this polite offer has been conveyed.
Last spring the first anniversary examination took place. The day fixed upon was one of anxiety to many a little heart; and fathers and mothers too, looked forward with some thrill of hope and fear to the probation of their children. It need not be told, that the exercises were highly pleasing, and the liberal contributions, which were volun-
tarily made without any solicitation, proved more clearly than words, how pleasing an object our brethren had witnessed that day.
In the mean while the example set in this city was followed in New York and Charleston about the same time; and there, as well as here, the superintendence and teaching are in the hands of the ladies. The endowment, likewise, in both places, has been quite liberal; and there can be but little doubt, that the commencement so happily made, will not fail to produce all the good results which could reasonably be expected. It is manifest, however, that such imitation abroad could not do otherwise than stimulate to perseverance the first authors of this good; and they have not disappointed the hopes formed of them. They have gone on improving their charges by careful training, and these have for the most part proved by an acquisition of knowledge and more correct deportment, especially at public worship, that the labour bestowed upon them has been well bestowed.
The increasing demand for religious information induced the writer, immediately after the above examination, to finish and to commit to the press the Catechism for Younger Children; and he mentions it with sincere gratitude that it has already been introduced in the three Sunday schools mentioned above, in several private institutions, and for family reading; it was more than he could have expected within nine months after its appearance: especially since he had so often claimed the support of his fellow-Israelites in his former publications. Yet he says it without affectation, that his issuing the two school-books, already mentioned, appeared to him like the launching of a frail bark upon a stormy sea; but the promptitude with which many of the answers were given by the scholars in their examination on yesterday, has inspired him with the hope that the frail bark may be made instrumental in bearing some devoted spirit to the haven of righteousness by the blessing of Him who imparteth knowledge, and giveth to man wisdom and understanding.
It was yesterday that the second examination of the scholars of this nursery of piety took place: it was natural to expect some improve-ment upon the progress of last year, but the result far surpassed the most sanguine expectations. The northern half of the ground-floor of the synagogue was reserved for the scholars, each class headed by its teacher; and the steps leading to the ark were occupied by the youngest class, and certainly formed a collection of happy faces, which no one could look on without pleasure; and these little ones, when called upon to answer their Bible-questions, acquitted themselves in a manner highly gratifying to their parents and creditable to their youthful teacher. The other classes, as they were called upon in suc-cession, also showed that much care had been profitably bestowed;
but it would be invidious to mention particulars where the whole was so satisfactory. The writer knows not how others felt, but he can truly say that he felt rejoiced and gratified; and to judge from the countenance of the many that thronged the place of worship, he may freely affirm, that never a public exhibition left more favourable impressions upon the hearers, and that the words of congratulation every where uttered must have sprung from hearts convinced that a good work had been done in Israel.
We were lately gratified by the arrival among us of the Rev. Moses N. Nathan, Minister of the German Congregation, Shangaray Yahshar, of Kingston, Jamaica, who visits this country in quest of a renewal of his own health and that of his amiable companion. As the annual examination was so near at hand, Mr. N. was invited to ad-dress the congregation at the conclusion of the exercises; he kindly consented, and returned from New York, whither he had gone to the relations of his wife. He has conferred an additional favour by per-mitting us to have his address printed; and it is to be hoped that its admirable sentiments will be long remembered after this interesting stranger shall have been restored to his home and station.
It only remains to be added, that at the conclusion of the address contributions for the school-fund, more liberal than last year, were made; and we may look forward to a long continuance of the useful-ness among us of the religious enterprize of our benevolent sisters, and that it will every year lay a stronger hold on the affections of all the Israelites of this city; and all that then will be left is to hope that this example of righteousness may be universally followed, and cause the spread of truth and grace among all the seed of Jacob.
In the following pages are presented the exercises on the above occasion, and the spirit which called for this publication will no doubt keep them long in the memory of all present.
Monday, March 30th.
The exercises commenced with reading Psalms cxxiv. and cxxvi.
after which the following Prayer:
May thy name, O Lord our God, be praised unto everlasting, even from eternity to eternity, for thine is the glory and the power, and thy providence watches over all the beings whom thy word has created. Wherever we turn, we behold the works of thy good-ness, the doings of thy beneficence; and life, and health, and wisdom, and light are all gifts which proceed from thee solely. For who is with thee in heaven? and who is near thee on earth? Above, thou reignest alone, there is no second to share the rule with thee, omnipotent Father; and on earth all are thy creatures, all the works of thy own hands. There is no saviour without thee; for when thou woundest, who shall heal? if thou smitest, who can save from thy power? and if thy wrath is en-kindled, who shall appease thee, save it be that thy mercy forgives the repentant sinner? It is to thee, there-fore, that we call in our distress; to thee, therefore, we pray; to thee, therefore, we bend the knee. O, that all flesh might like us be taught to revere thee alone. O, that all Israel might be made of one heart, and one spi-rit, to serve thee in truth and sincerity!
The heavens and the heavens of heavens cannot con-tain thee, for all have sprung from thee; all is sustained by thy might; all lives only with and through thee. Yet thou hast ever deigned to fix thy dwelling in the midst of thy servants, and from the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast founded thy mighty works; the deeds done by the innocent, the words of purity flowing from their mouth are to thee agreeable savour; and thou
delightest in the offering of prayer which the humble sacrifice unto thee. O our Saviour! Behold us then this day assembled in this house which as been built for thy worship, with our children, our sons and daughters, whom thy servants endeavour to rear up to know and to fear thee all the days they may live on earth, and to instruct in the law of thy will which thou gavest unto our forefathers in the days of yore, when they beheld thy glory, saw thy fire, and heard thy voice. How shall we thank thee? how shall we praise thee, for this boon which thou didst so graciously bestow on us, by which thou didst separate us from the heathen, and broughtest us near unto thy service to fear thy name, and to be the witnesses of thy glory? In all our wanderings it has been our stay, amidst all our sorrows it has been our support; and unto this day we are sustained through it as a people distinct and separate from the other nations of the earth. We humbly confess, that it is not our wisdom and our knowledge that have done this; but the wisdom and the knowledge which thou didst impart unto us through the hands of thy servant Moses, the chosen messenger of thy goodness. We therefore im-plore thee, O Lord our God, and God of our fathers! to strengthen us in our striving to promulgate the know-ledge of thy word; to instil into us, and all those en-gaged in teaching the precepts of thy code persuasive wisdom, and eloquence of speech, that our word may sink deep into the hearts of all those who come to learn, that the seed which is planted mid labour and sorrow may produce fruits of holiness and devotion, promoting adoration of thee, the only God, and love to our fellow-men, who, like us, have received a living soul and a feeling heart.
May it also be thy will, to receive in favour this en-deavour of the daughters of Israel in this and other cities, to found institutions for the spread of godliness;
prosper their work, forward their enterprize, and grant that whilst blessing they may be blest; that whilst teaching they may learn; that whilst purifying they may be purified, and brought to a knowledge of the good, and be led to follow that path of righteousness and truth which leads to everlasting happiness. May many be induced to imitate their example; may their reward be a multitude of disciples, freed from the bonds of unbelief, armed with the knowledge of truth, that thy may be able to withstand the attacks of them who love not Israel, and who would gladly wean them from the observance of thy precepts.
But what are we, that we have been brought hither? what is our life? what is our righteousness? A day passes, and we are cut off; thou hidest thy face, and we perish; in the midst of our devotion our thoughts often wander; and whilst worshipping, our mind is turned towards gain and the vanities of this life. All the bene-fits we receive from thee are undeserved by us; thy bounty is extended to thy children, but they merit it not. Miracles have been wrought in our support; unheard-of deeds have been displayed that we might be pre-served; but not because of our righteousness, but only because of thy mercy, which is unending. Ere we prayed, thou ever didst answer; before our thoughts were uttered, thou didst hear; and when affliction's waves threatened to overwhelm us, thy power stayed the destructive current, and we received enlargement. We therefore throw ourselves humbly upon the continu-ance of thy mercy; guard us, as thou wert wont to guard; shield us, as thou ever didst shield; preserve unto us the knowledge of thy law, and cause its pre-cepts to speak a language which may find a response in the heart of every son of man, and especially of all these young charges, whom thy servants have assembled to-gether in thy house, and endeavour to lead unto the
footstool of thy greatness. Multiply the teachers, strengthen them in their effort, and let their reward be, that the good they now do may produce a plentiful harvest of righteousness and truth.
And upon thy servant, who by thee permitted, has spoken of thy goodness and thy law in the distant isle of the sea, where they, who, like us, call on thy unity, have reared houses for thy service, do thou shed thy grace and truth, and cause us to be instructed and to profit by the words he will address to us. Arm his tongue with persuasiveness, that we all may leave this house to-day improved and better than we entered. Bless his labours for thy glory, wherever they be exert-ed, and cause him to return to his station, in the fel-lowship of the daughter of Jacob his companion, in restored health, in renewed vigour, and increased use-fulness.
Father of all, we further pray thee, to let thy coun-tenance shine unto us, and unto all Israel; and shield us by the shadow of thy wings from the many calami-ties we are subject to, because that we are flesh. Strengthen us, that when in health, we may overcome the evil of our inclinations, and that when our body is racked by pain, we may be prepared to resign cheerfully our spirit into thy hands, O our King! Let thy grace and thy holy spirit be ever with us; remember the cap-tivity of Jacob, and forsake not the outcasts of Israel, and suffer not the gentiles to devour them, lest they say, Where is their God? Preserve unto us also the blessing of freedom which we enjoy in this land, and grant that a spirit of pure benevolence may become universal toward thy people in every country of their dispersion. But above all, fulfil unto us the promise made to us through thy prophet, who spoke: “As for me, this is my covenant with them, saith the Lord, my spirit which is upon thee, and my words which I have
put in thy mouth shall not depart from thy mouth, nor from the mouth of thy children, nor from the mouth of thy children's children, saith the Lord, from henceforth, and for ever.”—May this be thy will. Amen.
Conclusion of Sabbath, March 29—Veadar,24.—5600.
The following Prayer by the Superintendent and Scholars was then
[SUPERINTENDENT.]—Come ye children, hearken unto me, and I will teach you the fear of the Lord; lift up your young hearts in prayer; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths.
[CHILDREN.]—O God, give unto us the help we need; give us bread to eat, and raiment to put on, and instruc-tion to understand thy mercies; may we be grateful for all thy goodness; may we be dutiful to our parents; honest in all our dealings; true in our words and ac-tions; affectionate in our behaviour to one another; attentive to our teachers; and above all, ardent and devout in adoring thee alone, the God of our fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; enlighten our faith, that we may daily repeat the acknowledgment of thy unity. “Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is one Lord. Blessed be the name of the glory of his kingdom for ever and ever.” Amen.
After which the Scholars sang Ane Caylohaynoo.
Next succeeded the examination of all the classes, commencing with the youngest. After which, Psalm xxix. was sung by the Congregation and the Scholars. At its conclusion, Mr. Nathans delivered the following address:
THE exhibition we have had the satisfaction of wit-nessing this day, must be a source of joy and congratu-lation to every member of this branch of Israel; we have seen progress made in the knowledge of our law, that sacred law, which at once illumines and refines; for civilization and enlightenment ever follow in its steps, and are its unfailing concomitants. Every Hebrew who reverences and adores the Author and Bestower of this invaluable treasure, this solace and comforter of our lives, this stay of our hope, this shield of our salvation, cannot withhold rejoicing at its diffusion. United as we are in faith, aspiring as the meanest of the family of Abraham does to a full and equal participation in the blessings and promises it bestows and holds forth, the inculcation of its doctrines at an early age among our youth, is an object of especial desire; and bids fair in the present instance to be realized. The excellent effects of the work undertaken only within the last two years are too palpable, too manifest, even if a doubt could for a moment have been entertained or indulged of the plan's ultimate success. A continuance of the same pious zeal and energy, which led to the first establish-ment of a Sunday School for spiritual instruction, is alone required to produce solid and permanent benefits. Establishments like this have long been wanting among us, and this city, renowned in the western world, has been the first to display an example worthy of imitation. Nor has it been neglected; for in New York and Charles-ton they have not only instituted similar schools, but
seem to have imbibed the same spirit of earnestness and sincerity which characterize the founder of this, the parent society. May they, like living waters springing from the same source, perpetually gush forth; may their channels and diverging streams widen and increase; slaking the thirst of them who pant for the pure and wholesome draughts of salvation, imparting vigour to the languid soul, and fertility to the dry and barren land.
Perhaps at no period were the necessity and import-ance of such schools more obvious, than at the present time. Our nation stands in the fore-ground of the world's great picture, the oldest, most conspicuous, and most prominent object; some which once shone there in all the brilliancy and gorgeousness of light and colour-ing, eclipsing and overshadowing us, have disappeared before the effacing touch of time; others have been modified and changed, scarcely retaining a vestige of their original character, whilst we remain, sobered in-deed in our tints, mellowed by age; but exhibiting the same outline, the same proportions, the same freshness, though attempts have incessantly been made violently to deface and alter the strong lineaments and features, first impressed on us by the world's great Designer. But what force failed to effect, art may seek to accom-plish. The peril and danger are not less imminent, though the weapon and the open enemy are alike con-cealed; all the vigilance of Israel is necessary to guard against that gentleness and apparent sympathy for our fallen condition, which have assumed the place of former hostility. The magnanimity to spare is still wanting. In other words, the avowed desire of conversion, the continual tamperings with the ignorant of our people, to induce them to desert the standard of that faith, under which Israel and Judah conquered, triumphed, and under whose protecting folds they dwelt peacefully “in
a land flowing with milk and honey,” and to which, though rent, tattered, and trampled on, they have affec-tionately clung in misery and sorrow, are becoming more daring daily. We need all our energies to stem their onward, insidious progress, if we would have none forsake God, if we would not be fed with the poisonous grapes of Sodom, and the bitter fruit of Gomorrah. These trials of our constancy are no doubt designed by the Almighty to test us, and try the stability of our faith in Him; let Him not impeach our watchfulness in tending the sacred fire which should be continually burning upon the altar, as it was in the temple of old, never extinguished, but always replenished by the hands of the ministering and careful priest.
Far be it from me to endeavour to impress on the minds of you, my brethren and sisters in faith, aught derogatory to the charity and universal benevolence which our religion breathes in all its pages. I may, however, be excused for opening your eyes to the dan-ger, exposing its nature, and pointing out the quarter whence it proceeds. Duty and truth trumpet forth the note of alarm; shall the voice of smiling and perfumed courtesy drown the shrill and warning blast? Yet it needed not me, sons and daughters of Judah, to sound the awakening charge; the watchman* you have appoint-ed has manfully done his duty, and ye are prepared; not to combat with weapons of brass and iron, not to don the glittering armour and panoply of proof, to buckle on the falchion, and lead from his stall the pawing and champing steed, eager for the tumult and din of battle; no, but to train the hearts of innocence and youth, and, without making them disputants in the war of religious controversy, by carefully instructing them in the word and law of God, prove incontestably that you fear not
*The Rev. Isaac Leeser, who lately exposed this insidious course in the public press.
the assailant; because, “out of the mouth of babes and sucklings, God has provided strength to overthrow the enemy,” and frustrate his designs.
Vice and ignorance are ever conjoined; and the only means of counteracting their baleful and pernicious in-fluence is, the encouragement of virtue and know-ledge. These are the safe-guards and bulwarks of society, shielding it from evil, stemming the overwhelm-ing torrent of misery, which would else devastate the fair and verdant face of nature, and make the world a howling wilderness, unfit for humanity. The horrors of heathenism are well known, its immoralities figure as conspicuously; and the pages of sacred history also detail scenes and occurrences revolting to the mind im-bued with the least portion of compassion; but while Israel observed and obeyed the commandments enjoined in our holy books, they were stained with none of the crimes which abound in the annals of nations enriched by the labours and researches of philosophy, but who knew not God. In recent times, when a miscalled philosophy reigned triumphant, innumerable were the victims which it immolated at its shrine; but virtue and knowledge had fled, for the volume which inculcated their principles was scorned and contemned. Well may the believer ask, what have the sayings and pre-cepts of the most eminent sages availed, where this book was unknown? It alone teaches the true economy of life and social happiness; and what are wisdom, riches, and power, unless accompanied by the vivifying, the enlightening spirit of the fear of God, the beginning of knowledge? Our origin, our nature, our weaknesses, and our dependence, are shown in its luminous pages; and is it not equally communicative of our Creator, our duties, our power, and our hopes of that heaven, “where the wicked cease from troubling, and where the weary are at rest?”
“Grace is deceptive, and beauty fleeting, the woman who feareth the Lord she shall be praised.” The fear of God is the first lesson which the lisping mouth of infancy should be taught to pronounce, that it may be indelibly engraven on the heart of youth, sway the ac-tions and guide the understanding of the man, and make him in old age cling to the ways of righteousness, piety and faithfulness, following the path which the pillar of cloud indicated, and that of fire illumined. And to whom ought the charge be confided of first in-stilling this primary principle? to woman, to the tender nurse, the affectionate, the anxious mother, the kind and sympathising friend, in whose bosom the prattling child nestles, and whither it flies in danger and distress. Her mildness and gentleness are designed by Providence to imprint the first lessons of love, life, and light; to raise the little hands in humble prayer and thanksgiving to the heavenly Father, who rejoiceth when we are con-tent, happy, and thankful, and regard Him as our gra-cious Benefactor and kind Protector. For if man has even the inclination, he has not the time or patience to undertake this obligatory duty. In founding this excel-lent establishment, the daughters of Israel have entered into the meaning and intention of Scripture; for the fear of God being the beginning of wisdom, and hence, the first thing to be instilled into the tender and ductile mind of childhood, the task has been most correctly and righteously assumed by those, to whose charge infancy is confided, and by whom it is trained and protected.
As to its necessity, if an inquiry were established, much of the laxity and indifference so prevalent in our societies, would be ascribed to the neglect of imparting the words of holiness at an early age. We all know the force of early impressions. Look at the history of our people, exposed as they were for so many years to the besotting influences of Egyptian idolatry. Parents
may be assured of the hazard they incur by this culpa-ble inattention to the eternal welfare of their children. Do we not frequently witness departures from the body of the nation? faith sacrificed at the shrine of passion, —self-denial unknown and unpractised,—grief, sorrow, and estrangement introduced into the bosom of families, where before peace and affection dwelt,—and all mainly attributable to parents who failed to communicate to their offspring the lessons which they had received? Mixed marriages too, where one of the parties, quietly, ignobly, submits to, but refuses to subscribe to the popu-lar faith? and what are the results? do not the offspring of such unions deride the belief which either father or mother has been criminal enough to abandon? But sup-posing even that their desertion is owing to conviction, does it not invariably proceed from ignorance of the tenets forsaken and renounced? And shall we hesitate to remove this sin from among us, to efface the foul blot of ignorance, and prevent any from straying out of the pastures of the Lord? One of the most effectual methods of doing it, is by the establishment of schools such as the present. For if lamentable results, like those just enumerated, have arisen from culpable neglect in the days of youth, the never failing remedy of knowledge will stop the contagion of evil example, render the hearts of the wavering and unsteady stable and confident, and enable them to cope with the sophistry, wherewith many are now assailed and deluded.
The prospects of success shadowed forth by means of religious knowledge, taught in this and similar schools, may be deemed too glowing; if so, my impressions flow not only from enthusiastic feeling, from the fervour of zeal, not of fanaticism, in the cause of Judaism, but also from strong and sincere conviction, and from that spirit of patriotism which burns intensely, when the welfare of our religion and its institutions is at stake. But Scrip-
ture bears me out in my assertions; its words encourage me to augur the favourable issue of efforts made for its propagation, continuous study, and ennobling practice; it confirms my feeble thoughts, strengthens my hopes and wishes, and will quicken the exertions of the virtuous originator and conductors of this flourishing society. If the diligent and daily perusal of the pages of Holy Writ was recommended to the renowned warrior, the leader of the Lord's chosen hosts, if his reputation, fame, glory and triumph over the armed and warlike heathen were all made dependent on his carefully following the rules, and guiding himself by the celestial directions of the law: is not the same duty equally incumbent on every member of the family of Jacob, and the road to happiness, here and hereafter, open to all, as it was to the illustrious dead? Let us remember the words of the Almighty to Joshua, the might captain, who never experienced defeat, who confidently relied on the out-stretched arm by which he was redeemed from Egyp-tian slavery, and not on the strength of the myriads he commanded. (Joshua i. 7, 8.) “Be strong and very courageous, to observe and do according to all the law that Moses, my servant, commanded thee, turn not from it to the right hand or to the left; this book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth, but thou shalt medi-tate therein day and night, to observe and do all that is written therein, for then thou shalt make thy way pros-perous, and then thou shalt succeed.” Be strong, be confident, not in thy prowess, not in thy sword; but in keeping and observing the law, studying it day and night, for thereby thou shalt prosper, and herein lies the success of thy career.
And hereon depends the future good fortune of this institution, and thus let your instruction be given; teach these scions of Israel not only the words, but en-join their continual study and repetition; teach them to
blend the love and fear of God and his commandments, to respect, to maintain, to uphold the dignity of that pure law given by God to Moses, to disregard popular prejudice, scorn, hatred, pity, or whatever may assail it, to oppose the impenetrable shield of indomitable faith to the sharp arrows of infidelity and sarcasm;—teach them, and expose to their wondering gaze, the bright promises yet unfulfilled in the sublime writings of the inspired and suffering prophets;—teach them above all to bear humbly, meekly, patiently, as their ancestors have done for ages, the crying evils of calumny and detraction; for, that Shiloh will come, the Messiah, their regenerator, will appear;—and the God who keepeth covenant and mercy, made with Abraham, sworn unto Isaac, and confirmed unto Jacob, will not let one word fall to the ground which He spake unto the faithful minister of His house.
The difficulties which first attended this establish-ment could not have been few, or easy to overcome; the prejudices long and deeply rooted to what seemed, in fact, conformity to the customs of strangers, must have proved, at the commencement, serious obstacles to the indefatigable founder and patroness of this society. These prejudices have, under Heaven's help, disap-peared; and parents are fully awakened to an estimate of the advantages to be obtained by their children in this school. To designate it appropriately, we should call it a nursery of Jewish piety—a plantation, where the young saplings of our faith are tended until they have attained maturity of strength, so that when trans-planted, they may be ranked among the mighty trees of the forest, or be accounted as the cedars of Lebanon, planted in the house of the Lord, and the courts of our God.
There is, however, one feature which deserves par-
ticular notice and commendation: it is the laudable conduct of persons in a respectable condition of life not preventing their children from mingling with the indi-gent, and overcoming the too often predominant scru-ples of silly pride and fear. This is a peculiar and beautiful characteristic, one of the strongest supports, one of the main pillars of the institution, and must assuredly contribute to its prosperity and well-being. In the ancient temple at Jerusalem, the poor man's handful of meal was as acceptable an offering as the fatling of the rich; and the morning and evening sac-rifices were supplied by the half shekels collected alike from peasant and prince; for God would have equality in His worship, and the adventitious claims to superiority are disregarded by Him, who delights in the humility, modesty, and lowliness of His servants, whom He loves for their pious virtues, not for the number and value of their burnt-offerings and libations. Whilst, therefore, this principle of equality is persevered in and strictly maintained, whilst “the rich and poor meet together,” to learn and know that “the Eternal is the Maker of them all,” the objects of this society will be attained; and there will also exist such an endless desire, such a perpetual yearning for instruction, that not one single Jewish child shall remain ignorant of his Creator, his duties, and his hopes of eternity.
Then, when you have ploughed the soil, removed every stump and stone, and eradicated every noxious weed, when you have sown the seed, and it has yielded a plenteous harvest—a hundred fold, as it did to the Patriarch Isaac, then will your desires become more extended; you will wish to enlarge the narrow boun-daries which now encompass you, and extend your borders; and then may we hope to see arise a house of learning, as in former days, where our antiquities, our sacred and precious records, our ancient philosophers,
moralists, and poets shall form part of the superstruc-ture of learning and study, whose foundation has been laid in this embryo institution; where, with every facility of means for the cultivation of art and science, in every branch of polite and popular literature which shall put our youth on a par with others, and make them worthy and intelligent citizens and subjects, they may dive into the wisdom of those hidden tomes which ignorance has decried and prejudice derided. The apparent torpor which bigotry and intolerance com-pelled us to assume is vanishing daily; the latent spark begins to kindle, soon will it quicken into flame, ex-pand, enlighten, and then, when the beacon-fire shines forth far and wide to the wondering, the amazed na-tions, who have so long scoffed at us and think our minds obscured by our tenacious adherence to the evi-dences and records of our former fame, then will they be compelled to admit, as Moses foretold in Deuterono-my, “surely this nation is a wise and understanding people.”
Again do Jewish professors sit in the academical chair not the neophytes who for the sake of obtaining distinction under prejudiced and illiberal governments, abandon their people and renounce their God for ambi-tion or lucre! No! But men who have rejected ho-nours when fettered with oaths, and trammelled with assertions repugnant to their creed and their conscience.* Soon may we hope to see their number increase, and colleges and schools founded under the superintend-ence of such consistent men, where the student shall no longer be compelled to conceal his faith, to avoid the ridicule and taunts of his Christian companions, but
*Among these honourable and distinguished men, I may mention Professors Julius Furst, of Leipsic, H. Hurwitz, and J. J. Sylvester, of the London University; the last, though second wrangler at Cam-bridge, did not take his degree, for the reasons above mentioned.
matriculate “in academic shades and learned halls,” where the reproached name he bears shall not be the bar to, but the passport of admission.
To insure and forward consequences so valuable, of so vital an import to the best interests of this congrega-tion, place this training school for your callow young on a stable footing, that the benefits it bestows may not be affected by those accidents to which in time it is not unlikely to be exposed. Not that the commendable zeal which now distinguishes its operations will relax; but it may please God to call hence its most earnest supporters, those disinterested labourers in the vineyard of the Lord, who seek no reward in the service of their beloved Master, and not enough be found willing or able to undertake the work without compensation. Quietly yet accessibly useful, this institution should be liberally and amply endowed to afford every assist-ance which the spiritual wants of our youth may hence-forward require. To the generosity and philanthropy which so eminently characterize the supporters of our charities, there needs not much appeal when the wel-fare of a society so purely national is concerned. There can be no doubt that the mere requisition for pecuniary aid will be answered promptly, cheerfully, universally, by hearts as grateful as they are joyful in promoting a correct knowledge of God, and wide dissemination of His commandments.
To you, my young friends, who have interested us so much by your proficiency, let me address a few words, and I would fain hope that you will recall their purport when he who speaks them is absent or gathered to his fathers. You are the objects of your parents' solicitude and affection, of their fondest hopes, their most ardent wishes; but equally, not less so, are ye to every member of the stock of Israel. Ye are tender branches of that vine which “God brought out of Egypt,” but
whose roots are in all countries, against which the axe and fire have been laid unavailingly, and which flou-rishes and still yields abundant fruit, notwithstanding its great age, and its exposure to rude assaults in ancient and modern times. God regards you with especial love, because you are shoots of this tree; do not therefore seek to be separated from it, to join yourselves to others of more stately appearance. Your future good, your success, the integrity and uprightness of your life, de-pend on the correct observance of those principles which your kind and benevolent friends devote them-selves to instil into your tender minds. Never forget them; turn not to the right hand or to the left; but walk in the laws of Moses, and guide yourselves by the directions and rules of the Old Testament. You will be addressed when you are older, perhaps in your early years, whilst yet you know not good from evil, in the words of kindness, of piety, of solemn warning, touching your religion; you will be asked to renounce it, and told that our dispersed and unhappy state arises from not believing in a mediator and saviour. Turn a deaf ear to all such representations, and remain constant to the precepts which have been given us as an inherit-ance. Your Saviour and Redeemer is God the Creator of heaven and earth; your Messiah, who will restore the house of Israel, will be of flesh and blood like your-selves, but wise, pure, and of great sanctity, to fulfil what the Almighty, the Father of all, has designed. When you are in doubt, apply to your teachers, and they will explain what is incomprehensible to your un-derstandings,—and be assured that you will be happy, prosperous, and pleasing in the sight of God and man, while you bear in mind, practise, and believe in the inspired writings of Moses and the prophets his suc-cessors. Then will “the Eternal bless the works of your hands;” ye will “die the death of the righteous;”
and your end will be peace below, everlasting glory and salvation in heaven above.
Beloved brethren, offspring of Abraham, are ye not anxious to see friendship, unanimity, and sincerity reign amongst us and our descendants? Then train your children to love that which is imperishable, to set no more than its just value on that which departs more quickly than the fleeting shadow. Bid them call dis-cretion their friend, wisdom their sister, religion their protecting guide. Train them to be upright in judg-ment, in mind, in conduct, firm of character, immov-able in faith; that, whether assailed by force or persua-sion, by temptations of the present or future, whether in prosperity or adversity, life or death, they may never separate themselves from the collective body. Let such be the spirit of their mental culture, which will give strength, and strength will give courage, to ani-mate them in the struggles and vicissitudes of life, assuring them of victory, whose beginning and end spring from confidence in the sublime and exalted sen-timent, “The Lord is with me, I will not fear, what can man do unto me?”
Oh, Eternal God of Hosts, whose glory the heavens declare, and whose wisdom the firmament and all crea-tion show, we bless and extol thy name for the loving-kindness and mercy Thou hast extended to us and to our fathers. Inspire us with good resolutions, and strengthen us in the observance of thy sure testimonies. Endow us with courage and confidence, and prosper the holy work of instruction. Let the merits of our ancestors, for our own are insufficient, plead for us, thy people, the children of thy covenant, the seed of thy beloved servants, whom Thou didst promise ever to pro-tect under the shadow of thy wing. Oh God, purify our heart and soul, to appreciate the words which Thou
didst reveal to Moses, and enlighten our eyes, that we may not through ignorance violate thine ordinances.
Bless, O Father, these children, and may they ever follow the injunctions of that law which has length of days in its right hand, riches and honour in its left.
For the minister and congregation of this synagogue, for all the members of our community in all parts of the earth, and the islands of the sea, and for all our fellow creatures, we implore thy benediction, let the light of thy countenance shine upon them, and give them peace.
The aspirations and wishes of all assembled are united in imploring, at thy hands, favour and grace for the pious daughter of Judah, the founder of this institution, the friend of youth, the reverer of her faith and creed. Grant her and her coadjutors life, health, and peace, and deal well with her and her house, as Thou didst with the midwives of old; and may there never be lacking amongst our congregations any to follow her wise and benevolent example. Amen!
After Mr. Nathan had concluded the above oration, which was listened to with undivided attention, the following hymn, which was found among the papers of the late Miss Slowey Hays, of Richmond, Va., was sung:
(Air—“Far, far, o'er hill and dell.”)
O GOD! to thee my voice I raise,
And, prostrate at thy throne,
I lift my heart to sing thy praise,
To thee, my GOD—alone.
For in thy kind and heavenly love
My soul shall sink to rest,
And when it pleaseth thee to prove
My faith for me, 'tis best.
For love like thine extends to all,
Thy mighty hand has giv'n,
And through thy mercy none shall fall,
Who seek thy love in heav'n.
Thy mercy shines through time and space,
And beams alike on all,
Who kneel to own thy sovereign grace,
Prepared to meet thy call.
Then, like the sun, my soul, awake,
To gild my closing hour,
And with thy praise my morning break,
To sing, my GOD, thy power.
In conclusion, the premiums to the deserving scholars for merit and pro-ficiency were distributed, and a collection for the funds of the school was taken up, which proved that the ancient spirit of liberality to further worthy objects is still alive in the spirit of Jacob's descendants. - Identifier
- LSTCAT_item229
- Date
- 1840-03-29
Isaac Leeser | Moses N. Nathan, “Second Annual Examination Of The Sunday School For Religious Instruction Of Israelites In Philadelphia”, 1840-03-29, Isaac Leeser Digital Repository, accessed October 8, 2024,