The Wonderful and Most Deplorable History of the Latter Times of the Jews; with the Destruction of the City of Jerusalem. Which History Begins where the Holy Scriptures End. By Josephus ben Gorion. Whereunto is added, a Brief of the Ten Captivities, with the Portrait of the Roman Rams, and Engines of Battery, &c. As also, of Jerusalem; with the Fearful and the Presaging Apparitions, that were seen in the Air, before Her Ruin.

Part of The Wonderful and Most Deplorable History of the Latter Times of the Jews; with the Destruction of the City of Jerusalem. Which History Begins where the Holy Scriptures End. By Josephus ben Gorion. Whereunto is added, a Brief of the Ten Captivities, with the Portrait of the Roman Rams, and Engines of Battery, &c. As also, of Jerusalem; with the Fearful and the Presaging Apparitions, that were seen in the Air, before Her Ruin.

Josippon, “The Wonderful and Most Deplorable History of the Latter Times of the Jews; with the Destruction of the City of Jerusalem. Which History Begins where the Holy Scriptures End. By Josephus ben Gorion. Whereunto is added, a Brief of the Ten Captivities, with the Portrait of the Roman Rams, and Engines of Battery, &c. As also, of Jerusalem; with the Fearful and the Presaging Apparitions, that were seen in the Air, before Her Ruin.”, Judaica Americana II, accessed September 16, 2024,