Memoir of the Expediency of an Ecclesiastical Establishment for British India, both as the Means of Perpetuating the Christian Religion Among Our Countrymen, and as a Foundation for the Ultimate Civilization of the Natives. First American Edition.

Part of Memoir of the Expediency of an Ecclesiastical Establishment for British India, both as the Means of Perpetuating the Christian Religion Among Our Countrymen, and as a Foundation for the Ultimate Civilization of the Natives. First American Edition.

Buchanan, Claudius, “Memoir of the Expediency of an Ecclesiastical Establishment for British India, both as the Means of Perpetuating the Christian Religion Among Our Countrymen, and as a Foundation for the Ultimate Civilization of the Natives. First American Edition.”, Judaica Americana II, accessed September 16, 2024,