An Epitome of the History of the World, from the Creation to the Advent of the Messiah, exhibiting the Fulfilment of Scripture Prophecies, particularly in Relation to the Jews; evincing the Connexion of Divine Dispensations through a Period of Four Thousand Years. … In Two Volumes

Part of An Epitome of the History of the World, from the Creation to the Advent of the Messiah, exhibiting the Fulfilment of Scripture Prophecies, particularly in Relation to the Jews; evincing the Connexion of Divine Dispensations through a Period of Four Thousand Years. … In Two Volumes

Hoyland, John, “An Epitome of the History of the World, from the Creation to the Advent of the Messiah, exhibiting the Fulfilment of Scripture Prophecies, particularly in Relation to the Jews; evincing the Connexion of Divine Dispensations through a Period of Four Thousand Years. … In Two Volumes”, Judaica Americana II, accessed September 16, 2024,