Sketch of Proceedings in the Legislature of Maryland, December Session, 1818, on what is commonly called The Jew Bill; Containing the Report of the Committee appointed by the House of Delegates “To consider the justice and expediency of extending to those persons professing the Jewish Religion, the same privileges that are enjoyed by Christians:” Together with the Bill reported by the Committtee, and the Speeches of Thomas Kennedy, Esq. of Washington County, and H. M. Brackenridge, Esq. of Baltimore City.

Part of Sketch of Proceedings in the Legislature of Maryland, December Session, 1818, on what is commonly called The Jew Bill; Containing the Report of the Committee appointed by the House of Delegates “To consider the justice and expediency of extending to those persons professing the Jewish Religion, the same privileges that are enjoyed by Christians:” Together with the Bill reported by the Committtee, and the Speeches of Thomas Kennedy, Esq. of Washington County, and H. M. Brackenridge, Esq. of Baltimore City.

Maryland. General Assembly. House of Delegates. Committee of Jew Bill, “Sketch of Proceedings in the Legislature of Maryland, December Session, 1818, on what is commonly called The Jew Bill; Containing the Report of the Committee appointed by the House of Delegates “To consider the justice and expediency of extending to those persons professing the Jewish Religion, the same privileges that are enjoyed by Christians:” Together with the Bill reported by the Committtee, and the Speeches of Thomas Kennedy, Esq. of Washington County, and H. M. Brackenridge, Esq. of Baltimore City.”, Judaica Americana II, accessed September 16, 2024,