With the Help of the Lord! Amen. [Appeal, November 1, 1832, addressed to members of the several holy Congregations of Israel in America, containing a call to establish a society to assist needy Jews in the Holy Land; Solomon Seixas, Secretary].

Part of With the Help of the Lord! Amen. [Appeal, November 1, 1832, addressed to members of the several holy Congregations of Israel in America, containing a call to establish a society to assist needy Jews in the Holy Land; Solomon Seixas, Secretary].

New York. Society for the Offerings of the Sanctuary, “With the Help of the Lord! Amen. [Appeal, November 1, 1832, addressed to members of the several holy Congregations of Israel in America, containing a call to establish a society to assist needy Jews in the Holy Land; Solomon Seixas, Secretary].”, Judaica Americana II, accessed September 16, 2024, https://judaicadhpenn.org/legacyprojects/s/singerman/item/49686