Paper Against Gold; or, The History and Mystery of the Bank of England, of the Debt, of the Stocks, of the Sinking Fund, and of All the Other Tricks and Contrivances, carried on by the Means of Paper Money. ...

Part of Paper Against Gold; or, The History and Mystery of the Bank of England, of the Debt, of the Stocks, of the Sinking Fund, and of All the Other Tricks and Contrivances, carried on by the Means of Paper Money. ...

Cobbett, William, “Paper Against Gold; or, The History and Mystery of the Bank of England, of the Debt, of the Stocks, of the Sinking Fund, and of All the Other Tricks and Contrivances, carried on by the Means of Paper Money. ...”, Judaica Americana II, accessed September 16, 2024,