Researches and Missionary Labours among the Jews, Mohammedans, and other Sects, by the Rev. Joseph Wolff, during his Travels between the Years 1831 and 1834, from Malta to Egypt, Constantinople, Armenia, Persia, Khorossaun, Toorkestaun, Bokhara, Balkh, Cabool in Affghanistaun, the Himmalayah Mountains, Cashmeer, Hindoostaun, the Coast of Abyssinia, and Yemen. … First American Edition, revised and corrected by the author.

Part of Researches and Missionary Labours among the Jews, Mohammedans, and other Sects, by the Rev. Joseph Wolff, during his Travels between the Years 1831 and 1834, from Malta to Egypt, Constantinople, Armenia, Persia, Khorossaun, Toorkestaun, Bokhara, Balkh, Cabool in Affghanistaun, the Himmalayah Mountains, Cashmeer, Hindoostaun, the Coast of Abyssinia, and Yemen. … First American Edition, revised and corrected by the author.

Wolff, Joseph, “Researches and Missionary Labours among the Jews, Mohammedans, and other Sects, by the Rev. Joseph Wolff, during his Travels between the Years 1831 and 1834, from Malta to Egypt, Constantinople, Armenia, Persia, Khorossaun, Toorkestaun, Bokhara, Balkh, Cabool in Affghanistaun, the Himmalayah Mountains, Cashmeer, Hindoostaun, the Coast of Abyssinia, and Yemen. … First American Edition, revised and corrected by the author.”, Judaica Americana II, accessed September 16, 2024,