An Exposition of the Prophecies and Doctrines of the Ancient Jews and Christians, relative to Their Messiah and His Kingdom: Particularly the Prophecies and Doctrines of the Primitive Christians relative to a Second Personal Appearance of Jesus in Palestine, for the purpose of gathering into that country the scattered believers, raising the departed saints, restoring immortality to man, and establishing a temporal kingdom, or "the millenium." By a Lover of Truth.

Part of An Exposition of the Prophecies and Doctrines of the Ancient Jews and Christians, relative to Their Messiah and His Kingdom: Particularly the Prophecies and Doctrines of the Primitive Christians relative to a Second Personal Appearance of Jesus in Palestine, for the purpose of gathering into that country the scattered believers, raising the departed saints, restoring immortality to man, and establishing a temporal kingdom, or "the millenium." By a Lover of Truth.

“An Exposition of the Prophecies and Doctrines of the Ancient Jews and Christians, relative to Their Messiah and His Kingdom: Particularly the Prophecies and Doctrines of the Primitive Christians relative to a Second Personal Appearance of Jesus in Palestine, for the purpose of gathering into that country the scattered believers, raising the departed saints, restoring immortality to man, and establishing a temporal kingdom, or "the millenium." By a Lover of Truth.”, Judaica Americana II, accessed September 16, 2024,