Evidences in Proof of the Book of Mormon, being a Divinely Inspired Record. Written by the Forefathers of the Natives whom we call Indians, (Who are a Remnant of the Tribe of Joseph.) and hid up in the earth, but come forth in Fulfilment of Prophesy for the Gathering of Israel, and the Re- establishing of the Kingdom of God upon the Earth. Together with all the Objections commonly urged against it, answered and refuted-To which is added a Proclamation and Warning to the Gentiles who Inhabit America. ...

Part of Evidences in Proof of the Book of Mormon, being a Divinely Inspired Record. Written by the Forefathers of the Natives whom we call Indians, (Who are a Remnant of the Tribe of Joseph.) and hid up in the earth, but come forth in Fulfilment of Prophesy for the Gathering of Israel, and the Re- establishing of the Kingdom of God upon the Earth. Together with all the Objections commonly urged against it, answered and refuted-To which is added a Proclamation and Warning to the Gentiles who Inhabit America. ...

Thompson, Charles, “Evidences in Proof of the Book of Mormon, being a Divinely Inspired Record. Written by the Forefathers of the Natives whom we call Indians, (Who are a Remnant of the Tribe of Joseph.) and hid up in the earth, but come forth in Fulfilment of Prophesy for the Gathering of Israel, and the Re- establishing of the Kingdom of God upon the Earth. Together with all the Objections commonly urged against it, answered and refuted-To which is added a Proclamation and Warning to the Gentiles who Inhabit America. ...”, Judaica Americana II, accessed September 16, 2024, https://judaicadhpenn.org/legacyprojects/s/singerman/item/50160