Critical Exposition of Baptism; Embracing the Mosaic Baptisms; Jewish Traditionary Baptisms; John's Baptism and Christian Baptism: Clearly establishing the Scriptural Authority of Affusion and Sprinkling and of Infant Baptism

Part of Critical Exposition of Baptism; Embracing the Mosaic Baptisms; Jewish Traditionary Baptisms; John's Baptism and Christian Baptism: Clearly establishing the Scriptural Authority of Affusion and Sprinkling and of Infant Baptism

Sawyer, Leicester Ambrose, “Critical Exposition of Baptism; Embracing the Mosaic Baptisms; Jewish Traditionary Baptisms; John's Baptism and Christian Baptism: Clearly establishing the Scriptural Authority of Affusion and Sprinkling and of Infant Baptism”, Judaica Americana II, accessed September 16, 2024,