[Circular, October 13, 5611, inviting the cooperation of Congregation Shearith Israel, Solomon Joseph, President. The Society is authorized, as needed, to employ and pay any number of persons required for a minyan].

Part of [Circular, October 13, 5611, inviting the cooperation of Congregation Shearith Israel, Solomon Joseph, President. The Society is authorized, as needed, to employ and pay any number of persons required for a minyan].

New York. Hebra Hased Vaamet, “[Circular, October 13, 5611, inviting the cooperation of Congregation Shearith Israel, Solomon Joseph, President. The Society is authorized, as needed, to employ and pay any number of persons required for a minyan].”, Judaica Americana II, accessed September 16, 2024, https://judaicadhpenn.org/legacyprojects/s/singerman/item/50895