Rachel’s Readings, in both French and English. First Series, Comprising Selections from Esther, by Racine, Athalie, by Racine, Le Misanthrope, by Molière, and Phedre, by Racine. Prepared expressly for M. Raphael Felix, Manager of Mlle. Rachel’s French Company in America.

Part of Rachel’s Readings, in both French and English. First Series, Comprising Selections from Esther, by Racine, Athalie, by Racine, Le Misanthrope, by Molière, and Phedre, by Racine. Prepared expressly for M. Raphael Felix, Manager of Mlle. Rachel’s French Company in America.

“Rachel’s Readings, in both French and English. First Series, Comprising Selections from Esther, by Racine, Athalie, by Racine, Le Misanthrope, by Molière, and Phedre, by Racine. Prepared expressly for M. Raphael Felix, Manager of Mlle. Rachel’s French Company in America.”, Judaica Americana II, accessed September 16, 2024, https://judaicadhpenn.org/legacyprojects/s/singerman/item/51240