The Future of Russia; or, An Answer to the Question, How will the Great Eastern Struggle finally Terminate? Answer given by comparing Scripture with History, in which it is clearly shown that Russia is the Special Subject of many of the Prophecies of the Jewish Scriptures, and that Her Future General History, together with that of Western Europe, is Definitely Foretold. To which will be added, The Bible Its Own Interpreter; or, An Introduction to the Study of Prophecy.

Part of The Future of Russia; or, An Answer to the Question, How will the Great Eastern Struggle finally Terminate? Answer given by comparing Scripture with History, in which it is clearly shown that Russia is the Special Subject of many of the Prophecies of the Jewish Scriptures, and that Her Future General History, together with that of Western Europe, is Definitely Foretold. To which will be added, The Bible Its Own Interpreter; or, An Introduction to the Study of Prophecy.

Gaylord, John, “The Future of Russia; or, An Answer to the Question, How will the Great Eastern Struggle finally Terminate? Answer given by comparing Scripture with History, in which it is clearly shown that Russia is the Special Subject of many of the Prophecies of the Jewish Scriptures, and that Her Future General History, together with that of Western Europe, is Definitely Foretold. To which will be added, The Bible Its Own Interpreter; or, An Introduction to the Study of Prophecy.”, Judaica Americana II, accessed September 16, 2024,