Our Lord’s Great Prophecy, and Its Parallels throughout the Bible, Harmonized and Expounded: Comprising a Review of the Common Figurative Theories of Interpretation. With a Particular Examination of the Principal Passages relating to the Second Coming of Christ, the End of the World, the New Creation, the Millennium, the Resurrection, the Judgment, the Conversion and Restoration of the Jews, and a Synopsis of Josephus' History of the Jewish War.

Part of Our Lord’s Great Prophecy, and Its Parallels throughout the Bible, Harmonized and Expounded: Comprising a Review of the Common Figurative Theories of Interpretation. With a Particular Examination of the Principal Passages relating to the Second Coming of Christ, the End of the World, the New Creation, the Millennium, the Resurrection, the Judgment, the Conversion and Restoration of the Jews, and a Synopsis of Josephus' History of the Jewish War.

Buck, Daniel Dana, “Our Lord’s Great Prophecy, and Its Parallels throughout the Bible, Harmonized and Expounded: Comprising a Review of the Common Figurative Theories of Interpretation. With a Particular Examination of the Principal Passages relating to the Second Coming of Christ, the End of the World, the New Creation, the Millennium, the Resurrection, the Judgment, the Conversion and Restoration of the Jews, and a Synopsis of Josephus' History of the Jewish War.”, Judaica Americana II, accessed September 16, 2024, https://judaicadhpenn.org/legacyprojects/s/singerman/item/51404