[Dine nikur]. Manual designed to the Acquisition of the Knowledge of the Vessels & Membranes of a Beast, which are considered as Unlawful Food for Israelites, and the Way to Remove them Illustrated by Anatomical Engravings.

Part of [Dine nikur]. Manual designed to the Acquisition of the Knowledge of the Vessels & Membranes of a Beast, which are considered as Unlawful Food for Israelites, and the Way to Remove them Illustrated by Anatomical Engravings.

Hamburger, B, “[Dine nikur]. Manual designed to the Acquisition of the Knowledge of the Vessels & Membranes of a Beast, which are considered as Unlawful Food for Israelites, and the Way to Remove them Illustrated by Anatomical Engravings.”, Judaica Americana II, accessed September 16, 2024, https://judaicadhpenn.org/legacyprojects/s/singerman/item/51639