[Circular letter, April 15, 1860, concerning the new prices for the rental of pews in order to build a new synagogue, with "Extracts from the Minutes of a Meeting of the Board of Managers"; Abraham Hart, parnas].

Part of [Circular letter, April 15, 1860, concerning the new prices for the rental of pews in order to build a new synagogue, with "Extracts from the Minutes of a Meeting of the Board of Managers"; Abraham Hart, parnas].

Philadelphia. Congregation Mikveh Israel., “[Circular letter, April 15, 1860, concerning the new prices for the rental of pews in order to build a new synagogue, with "Extracts from the Minutes of a Meeting of the Board of Managers"; Abraham Hart, parnas].”, Judaica Americana II, accessed September 16, 2024, https://judaicadhpenn.org/legacyprojects/s/singerman/item/51841