Louis Napoleon the Infidel Antichrist predicted in Prophecy to confirm a Seven Years Covenant with the Jews, about the year 1861, and nearly to succeed in gaining a Universal Empire; and then to be deified, and idolatrously worshipped, and also to institute a 3½ Years Sanguinary Persecution against the Christian Church, from 1864-‘65 to 1868, during which time Wars, Famines, Pestilences & Earthquakes, if not Religious Persecution, will prevail in England and America until the Slaughter of the Witnesses, Elias and another Prophet; after which Napoleon, Their Destroyer, together with the Pope will be cast alive into the Lake of Fire at the Descent of Christ at Armageddon about the Year 1868.

Part of Louis Napoleon the Infidel Antichrist predicted in Prophecy to confirm a Seven Years Covenant with the Jews, about the year 1861, and nearly to succeed in gaining a Universal Empire; and then to be deified, and idolatrously worshipped, and also to institute a 3½ Years Sanguinary Persecution against the Christian Church, from 1864-‘65 to 1868, during which time Wars, Famines, Pestilences & Earthquakes, if not Religious Persecution, will prevail in England and America until the Slaughter of the Witnesses, Elias and another Prophet; after which Napoleon, Their Destroyer, together with the Pope will be cast alive into the Lake of Fire at the Descent of Christ at Armageddon about the Year 1868.

Baxter, Michael Paget, “Louis Napoleon the Infidel Antichrist predicted in Prophecy to confirm a Seven Years Covenant with the Jews, about the year 1861, and nearly to succeed in gaining a Universal Empire; and then to be deified, and idolatrously worshipped, and also to institute a 3½ Years Sanguinary Persecution against the Christian Church, from 1864-‘65 to 1868, during which time Wars, Famines, Pestilences & Earthquakes, if not Religious Persecution, will prevail in England and America until the Slaughter of the Witnesses, Elias and another Prophet; after which Napoleon, Their Destroyer, together with the Pope will be cast alive into the Lake of Fire at the Descent of Christ at Armageddon about the Year 1868.”, Judaica Americana II, accessed September 16, 2024, https://judaicadhpenn.org/legacyprojects/s/singerman/item/51893