To the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Indiana: The undersigned citizens of Indianapolis belonging to the Jewish faith would humbly petition your honorable body to cause to be read before you the following brief preamble and resolutions passed in the City of Indianapolis on the 22d day of February by a mass meeting of Israelites in protest against the so-called Christian amendment to Our State and National Constitutions ...

Part of To the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Indiana: The undersigned citizens of Indianapolis belonging to the Jewish faith would humbly petition your honorable body to cause to be read before you the following brief preamble and resolutions passed in the City of Indianapolis on the 22d day of February by a mass meeting of Israelites in protest against the so-called Christian amendment to Our State and National Constitutions ...

“To the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Indiana: The undersigned citizens of Indianapolis belonging to the Jewish faith would humbly petition your honorable body to cause to be read before you the following brief preamble and resolutions passed in the City of Indianapolis on the 22d day of February by a mass meeting of Israelites in protest against the so-called Christian amendment to Our State and National Constitutions ...”, Judaica Americana II, accessed September 16, 2024,