Brüder des Hauses Israel! [Rabbis Nathan Natkin and Arje Leb Cohen, emissaries from Jerusalem, are in New York gathering funds for the needy Jews of Jerusalem. Rev. S. M. Isaacs is authorized to receive the collections; appeal issued by M. J. Raphall et al., New York, Shevat 5627].

Part of Brüder des Hauses Israel! [Rabbis Nathan Natkin and Arje Leb Cohen, emissaries from Jerusalem, are in New York gathering funds for the needy Jews of Jerusalem. Rev. S. M. Isaacs is authorized to receive the collections; appeal issued by M. J. Raphall et al., New York, Shevat 5627].

“Brüder des Hauses Israel! [Rabbis Nathan Natkin and Arje Leb Cohen, emissaries from Jerusalem, are in New York gathering funds for the needy Jews of Jerusalem. Rev. S. M. Isaacs is authorized to receive the collections; appeal issued by M. J. Raphall et al., New York, Shevat 5627].”, Judaica Americana II, accessed September 16, 2024,