Standard Ritual of the I. O. F. S. of I. for Subordinate Lodges. Composed by Ex. G. M. A. Oettinger. Adopted and Promulgated May 21, 5631-1871, by the Ritual Committee ...

Part of Standard Ritual of the I. O. F. S. of I. for Subordinate Lodges. Composed by Ex. G. M. A. Oettinger. Adopted and Promulgated May 21, 5631-1871, by the Ritual Committee ...

Independent Order Free Sons of Israel, “Standard Ritual of the I. O. F. S. of I. for Subordinate Lodges. Composed by Ex. G. M. A. Oettinger. Adopted and Promulgated May 21, 5631-1871, by the Ritual Committee ...”, Judaica Americana II, accessed September 16, 2024,