The Biography of Satan: or A Historical Exposition of the Devil and His Fiery Dominions, Disclosing the Oriental Origin of the Belief in a Devil and Future Endless Punishment. Also, the Pagan Origin of the Scriptural Terms, Bottomless Pit, Lake of Fire and Brimstone, Keys of Hell, Chains of Darkness, Casting Out Devils, Everlasting Punishment, the Worm That Never Dieth, etc., etc., all Explained. Seventh ed. ...

Part of The Biography of Satan: or A Historical Exposition of the Devil and His Fiery Dominions, Disclosing the Oriental Origin of the Belief in a Devil and Future Endless Punishment. Also, the Pagan Origin of the Scriptural Terms, Bottomless Pit, Lake of Fire and Brimstone, Keys of Hell, Chains of Darkness, Casting Out Devils, Everlasting Punishment, the Worm That Never Dieth, etc., etc., all Explained. Seventh ed. ...

Graves, Kersey, “The Biography of Satan: or A Historical Exposition of the Devil and His Fiery Dominions, Disclosing the Oriental Origin of the Belief in a Devil and Future Endless Punishment. Also, the Pagan Origin of the Scriptural Terms, Bottomless Pit, Lake of Fire and Brimstone, Keys of Hell, Chains of Darkness, Casting Out Devils, Everlasting Punishment, the Worm That Never Dieth, etc., etc., all Explained. Seventh ed. ...”, Judaica Americana II, accessed September 16, 2024,