Recurrent Theology, or Things New and Old. Christ shown as the Alpha and Omega of all Creation and Redemption, the Only Way, Truth, Life, Saving Name, Master, Lord. Though A "rock of offense" and as a "dividing sword" to Jews and Gentiles. Isa. 8:14; Matt. 10:34. Search the Scriptures.-John 5:39.

Part of Recurrent Theology, or Things New and Old. Christ shown as the Alpha and Omega of all Creation and Redemption, the Only Way, Truth, Life, Saving Name, Master, Lord. Though A "rock of offense" and as a "dividing sword" to Jews and Gentiles. Isa. 8:14; Matt. 10:34. Search the Scriptures.-John 5:39.

Mock, Charles, “Recurrent Theology, or Things New and Old. Christ shown as the Alpha and Omega of all Creation and Redemption, the Only Way, Truth, Life, Saving Name, Master, Lord. Though A "rock of offense" and as a "dividing sword" to Jews and Gentiles. Isa. 8:14; Matt. 10:34. Search the Scriptures.-John 5:39.”, Judaica Americana II, accessed September 16, 2024,