Art Magic; or, Mundane, Sub-mundane and Super-mundane Spiritism. A Treatise in Three Parts and Twenty-three Sections: Descriptive of Art Magic, Spiritism, the Different Orders of Spirits in the Universe known to be Related to, or in Communication with Man; Together with Directions for Invoking, Controlling, and Discharging Spirits, and the Uses and Abuses, Dangers and Possibilities of Magical Art.

Part of Art Magic; or, Mundane, Sub-mundane and Super-mundane Spiritism. A Treatise in Three Parts and Twenty-three Sections: Descriptive of Art Magic, Spiritism, the Different Orders of Spirits in the Universe known to be Related to, or in Communication with Man; Together with Directions for Invoking, Controlling, and Discharging Spirits, and the Uses and Abuses, Dangers and Possibilities of Magical Art.

Britten, William, “Art Magic; or, Mundane, Sub-mundane and Super-mundane Spiritism. A Treatise in Three Parts and Twenty-three Sections: Descriptive of Art Magic, Spiritism, the Different Orders of Spirits in the Universe known to be Related to, or in Communication with Man; Together with Directions for Invoking, Controlling, and Discharging Spirits, and the Uses and Abuses, Dangers and Possibilities of Magical Art.”, Judaica Americana II, accessed September 16, 2024,