Defence, not Defiance: A Hebrew’s Reply to the Missionaries. Consisting of: I. Faith Confirmed. Selections from the Work “Chizuk Emunah” of Isaac Troki, the Karaite. II. Biblical and Rabbinical Parallels to New Testament Principles.

Part of Defence, not Defiance: A Hebrew’s Reply to the Missionaries. Consisting of: I. Faith Confirmed. Selections from the Work “Chizuk Emunah” of Isaac Troki, the Karaite. II. Biblical and Rabbinical Parallels to New Testament Principles.

Mendes, Frederick de Sola, “Defence, not Defiance: A Hebrew’s Reply to the Missionaries. Consisting of: I. Faith Confirmed. Selections from the Work “Chizuk Emunah” of Isaac Troki, the Karaite. II. Biblical and Rabbinical Parallels to New Testament Principles.”, Judaica Americana II, accessed September 16, 2024,