The Fergusons’ "Aristocratic Nigs" Songster, containing an unusually Good Collection of Negro, Deitcher, Sheeney, Irish, and other Dialect Songs, together with many Serio-Comic and Sentimental Ballads ... De Witt’s Song & Joke Book series, no. 250.

Part of The Fergusons’ "Aristocratic Nigs" Songster, containing an unusually Good Collection of Negro, Deitcher, Sheeney, Irish, and other Dialect Songs, together with many Serio-Comic and Sentimental Ballads ... De Witt’s Song & Joke Book series, no. 250.

“The Fergusons’ "Aristocratic Nigs" Songster, containing an unusually Good Collection of Negro, Deitcher, Sheeney, Irish, and other Dialect Songs, together with many Serio-Comic and Sentimental Ballads ... De Witt’s Song & Joke Book series, no. 250.”, Judaica Americana II, accessed September 16, 2024,