The Gods and Religions of Ancient and Modern Times. Written in prison while serving out a sentence of thirteen months in the Albany Penitentiary, nominally for sending through the U.S. mails a pamphlet by E. H. Heywood on the subject of Marriage and the Relations of the Sexes, but really for being an Infidel editor and publisher.

Part of The Gods and Religions of Ancient and Modern Times. Written in prison while serving out a sentence of thirteen months in the Albany Penitentiary, nominally for sending through the U.S. mails a pamphlet by E. H. Heywood on the subject of Marriage and the Relations of the Sexes, but really for being an Infidel editor and publisher.

Bennett, De Robigne Mortimer, “The Gods and Religions of Ancient and Modern Times. Written in prison while serving out a sentence of thirteen months in the Albany Penitentiary, nominally for sending through the U.S. mails a pamphlet by E. H. Heywood on the subject of Marriage and the Relations of the Sexes, but really for being an Infidel editor and publisher.”, Judaica Americana II, accessed September 16, 2024,