Entertainment and Ball in aid of the Russian Jewish Refugees, under the Chebra “Ohavai Shalom,” at B’nai B’rith Hall, Wednesday Evening, April 19th, 1882. Programme ...

Part of Entertainment and Ball in aid of the Russian Jewish Refugees, under the Chebra “Ohavai Shalom,” at B’nai B’rith Hall, Wednesday Evening, April 19th, 1882. Programme ...

San Francisco. Chebra Ohavai Shalom, “Entertainment and Ball in aid of the Russian Jewish Refugees, under the Chebra “Ohavai Shalom,” at B’nai B’rith Hall, Wednesday Evening, April 19th, 1882. Programme ...”, Judaica Americana II, accessed September 16, 2024, https://judaicadhpenn.org/legacyprojects/s/singerman/item/54288