Three Hundred Testimonies in favor of Religion and the Bible by Distinguished Men and Women; as, Astronomers, Botanists, Chemists, Clergymen, Educators, Geologists, Heathens, Heathens Converted, Historians, Infidels, Infidels Claimed as such, Infidels Converted, Jews, Jurists, Literary Writers, Military Men, Musicians, Novelists, Royal Personages, Philosophers and Scientists, Physicians, Poets, Presidents of the United States, Statesmen (American), Statesmen (European), Travelers and Voyagers.

Part of Three Hundred Testimonies in favor of Religion and the Bible by Distinguished Men and Women; as, Astronomers, Botanists, Chemists, Clergymen, Educators, Geologists, Heathens, Heathens Converted, Historians, Infidels, Infidels Claimed as such, Infidels Converted, Jews, Jurists, Literary Writers, Military Men, Musicians, Novelists, Royal Personages, Philosophers and Scientists, Physicians, Poets, Presidents of the United States, Statesmen (American), Statesmen (European), Travelers and Voyagers.

Harrison, Thomas, “Three Hundred Testimonies in favor of Religion and the Bible by Distinguished Men and Women; as, Astronomers, Botanists, Chemists, Clergymen, Educators, Geologists, Heathens, Heathens Converted, Historians, Infidels, Infidels Claimed as such, Infidels Converted, Jews, Jurists, Literary Writers, Military Men, Musicians, Novelists, Royal Personages, Philosophers and Scientists, Physicians, Poets, Presidents of the United States, Statesmen (American), Statesmen (European), Travelers and Voyagers.”, Judaica Americana II, accessed September 19, 2024,