Codification of Laws of Russia relating to Hebrews. Referred to by Lewis Abraham and Simon Wolf, Washington, D.C., in Lectures, February 20, 1891, before the Washington Hebrew Congregation. Collected from Pamphlet issued by the Russo-Jewish Committee, London, England.

Part of Codification of Laws of Russia relating to Hebrews. Referred to by Lewis Abraham and Simon Wolf, Washington, D.C., in Lectures, February 20, 1891, before the Washington Hebrew Congregation. Collected from Pamphlet issued by the Russo-Jewish Committee, London, England.

“Codification of Laws of Russia relating to Hebrews. Referred to by Lewis Abraham and Simon Wolf, Washington, D.C., in Lectures, February 20, 1891, before the Washington Hebrew Congregation. Collected from Pamphlet issued by the Russo-Jewish Committee, London, England.”, Judaica Americana II, accessed September 19, 2024,