Striking for Life: Labor’s Side of the Labor Question. The Right of the Workingman to a Fair Living. ... Articles specially contributed by Samuel Gompers, President American Federation of Labor, Eugene V. Debs, President American Railway Union, John W. Hayes, General Secretary-Tresurer Knights of Labor. Fully and Beautifully Illustrated.

Part of Striking for Life: Labor’s Side of the Labor Question. The Right of the Workingman to a Fair Living. ... Articles specially contributed by Samuel Gompers, President American Federation of Labor, Eugene V. Debs, President American Railway Union, John W. Hayes, General Secretary-Tresurer Knights of Labor. Fully and Beautifully Illustrated.

Swinton, John, “Striking for Life: Labor’s Side of the Labor Question. The Right of the Workingman to a Fair Living. ... Articles specially contributed by Samuel Gompers, President American Federation of Labor, Eugene V. Debs, President American Railway Union, John W. Hayes, General Secretary-Tresurer Knights of Labor. Fully and Beautifully Illustrated.”, Judaica Americana II, accessed September 19, 2024,