The Missing Links; or, The Anglo-­Saxons, the Ten Tribes of Israel. 1000 Historical and Prophetical Proofs of Our Hebrew-Saxon Ancestry, from the "Call" of Abraham, until the Kingdom is “Delivered Up,” showing the One Plan of Redemption. It Declares why America is a Republic, and not a Monarchy; Our National Triumph, in Government, Com­merce, Wealth, Civilization, and Religion. The Key to Our Success. England and America the Foci of this Dispensation. Christ the Center of All the Ages.

Part of The Missing Links; or, The Anglo-­Saxons, the Ten Tribes of Israel. 1000 Historical and Prophetical Proofs of Our Hebrew-Saxon Ancestry, from the "Call" of Abraham, until the Kingdom is “Delivered Up,” showing the One Plan of Redemption. It Declares why America is a Republic, and not a Monarchy; Our National Triumph, in Government, Com­merce, Wealth, Civilization, and Religion. The Key to Our Success. England and America the Foci of this Dispensation. Christ the Center of All the Ages.

Spencer, Morton W, “The Missing Links; or, The Anglo-­Saxons, the Ten Tribes of Israel. 1000 Historical and Prophetical Proofs of Our Hebrew-Saxon Ancestry, from the "Call" of Abraham, until the Kingdom is “Delivered Up,” showing the One Plan of Redemption. It Declares why America is a Republic, and not a Monarchy; Our National Triumph, in Government, Com­merce, Wealth, Civilization, and Religion. The Key to Our Success. England and America the Foci of this Dispensation. Christ the Center of All the Ages.”, Judaica Americana II, accessed September 19, 2024,