Wos Wet Sein der Sof? [Vos vet zayn der sof?]. Words by Isaac Reingold. Music by G. Mendelsohn. Sung with Greatest Success by Sigmund Feinman.

Part of Wos Wet Sein der Sof? [Vos vet zayn der sof?]. Words by Isaac Reingold. Music by G. Mendelsohn. Sung with Greatest Success by Sigmund Feinman.

Mendelsohn, G. Arno, “Wos Wet Sein der Sof? [Vos vet zayn der sof?]. Words by Isaac Reingold. Music by G. Mendelsohn. Sung with Greatest Success by Sigmund Feinman.”, Judaica Americana II, accessed September 19, 2024, https://judaicadhpenn.org/legacyprojects/s/singerman/item/57928