Our Republic: What It Was in the Past, and What It is in the Present. Thanksgiving Address, delivered on Thursday Afternoon, Kislev 7, 5661-November 29, 1900, in the Yeshuath Israel Synagogue, Newport, Rhode Island.

Part of Our Republic: What It Was in the Past, and What It is in the Present. Thanksgiving Address, delivered on Thursday Afternoon, Kislev 7, 5661-November 29, 1900, in the Yeshuath Israel Synagogue, Newport, Rhode Island.

Morais, Henry Samuel, “Our Republic: What It Was in the Past, and What It is in the Present. Thanksgiving Address, delivered on Thursday Afternoon, Kislev 7, 5661-November 29, 1900, in the Yeshuath Israel Synagogue, Newport, Rhode Island.”, Judaica Americana II, accessed September 19, 2024, https://judaicadhpenn.org/legacyprojects/s/singerman/item/58395